[mou] Lebanon Hills

Steve Weston sweston2@attbi.com
Mon, 26 May 2003 01:27:24 -0500

Please, note:  the Summer Tanager and the Kentucky Warbler at Lebanon Hills are being seen from a horse trail.  While I
don't know if hikers and birdwatchers are prohibited on these trails, they are definitely not welcomed.  With all the
interest I have heard of some birders being repremanded for being on the trail.  If you are on a horse trail and hear an
approaching horse, protocol is that you step off the trail and stand still until the horse passes so not to spook the
animal.  I have been birding the trails at Lebanon Hills for many years.  While I tend to stay off the horse trails, I do
occasional use those trails.  When a horse approaches, I get off the trail, usually at least six feet or more if it
possible.  I have never had any complaints when yielding to the horses.  Many riders have  stopped and thanked me for my
consideration.  Remember the horses have the right of way.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan