[mou] Sandhill Cranes with Young, Waseca Cty

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Mon, 26 May 2003 22:30:50 -0500

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Someone must have noticed these birds already.  You'd think I would have =
since they're just a mile down the road from my mother-in-law's house, =
but I saw them this evening for the first time--two adult Sandhill =
Cranes with a small chick (colt?).  They were in a not very large =
wetland just east of Cty Rd 5 where Cty 5 turns south and crosses the =
DM&E Railroad tracks, about a mile from the start of Cty 5 at U.S. 14 =
(Elm Street) in Waseca.  Where Cty 5 turns south, you can continue =
straight (east) for the best viewing of this wetland.  The adults were =
nervous when I stopped the car.  They hunkered down in the grass, then =
stood up and led the chick (colt?) into the cattails.

Other birding notes of interest today in Waseca County:  pretty good =
warblers at Courthouse Park--a Connecticut, several Canadas, and a =
Bay-breasted among 12 species; two singing Bell's Vireos at the =
Senn-Rich WMA on Hwy 13, 4.5 miles south of Waseca (but far in, not easy =
to get to); also a pair of Eastern Towhees (slightly out of range), =
numerous Field, and some Clay-colored, Sparrows at Senn-Rich WMA; a =
Swainson's Hawk that screamed, then stooped vertically into a woodlot on =
the LeSeuer River, north of Cty Rd 9, 3.5 miles east of Cty Rd 3, then =
rose and circled into the heavens, encouraged to depart by a Northern =

And in the category of extremes, the other nesting evidence I saw today =
(besides the cranes) was a female ruby-throated Hummingbird sitting on =
her almost invisible nest.


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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Someone must have noticed these birds=20
already.&nbsp; You'd think I would have since they're just a mile down =
the road=20
from my mother-in-law's house, but I saw them this evening for the first =

time--two adult&nbsp;Sandhill Cranes with a small chick (colt?).&nbsp; =
They were=20
in a not very large wetland just east of Cty Rd 5 where Cty 5 turns =
south and=20
crosses the DM&amp;E Railroad tracks, about a mile from the start of Cty =
5 at=20
U.S. 14 (Elm Street) in Waseca.&nbsp; Where Cty 5 turns south, you can =
straight (east) for the best viewing of this wetland.&nbsp; The adults =
nervous when I stopped the car.&nbsp; They hunkered down in the grass, =
stood up and led the chick (colt?) into the cattails.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Other birding notes of interest today =
in Waseca=20
County:&nbsp; pretty good warblers at Courthouse Park--a Connecticut, =
Canadas, and a Bay-breasted among 12 species; two singing Bell's Vireos =
at the=20
Senn-Rich WMA on Hwy 13, 4.5 miles south of Waseca (but far in, not easy =
to get=20
to); also a pair of Eastern Towhees&nbsp;(slightly out of=20
range),&nbsp;numerous&nbsp;Field,&nbsp;and some Clay-colored, Sparrows =
Senn-Rich WMA; a Swainson's Hawk that screamed, then stooped vertically=20
into&nbsp;a woodlot on the LeSeuer River, north of Cty Rd 9, 3.5 miles =
east of=20
Cty Rd 3, then rose and circled into the heavens,&nbsp;encouraged to=20
depart&nbsp;by a Northern Harrier.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>And in the category of extremes, the =
other nesting=20
evidence I saw today (besides the cranes) was a female ruby-throated =
sitting on her almost invisible nest.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Julian</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
