[mou] Dakota/Scott County - 5/26/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 27 May 2003 00:33:13 EDT

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Spent the day birding with Linda Sparling, Ned Winters and a number of other 
birders at several locations.  Made for a nice day and lots of birds.  My 
count for the day was 101 species with the following highlights.

@ Least Bittern - Two Least Bitterns were heard only, calling at the 180th 
street marsh at 8:00pm.
@ Dunlin - 20+ Dunlin's were observed at Lake Byllesby and at the Braun Sod 
Farms along CR 66.
Large numbers of peeps were at Lake Byllesby, but were to far away to 
identify most of them.
@ Cerulean Warbler - Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park - 3 were heard between 
trail markers 1/2/3 and 10, on the West side of the parking lot.  Access to these 
trails is from the main parking lot.
@ Hooded Warbler - Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park - 2 were heard and one 
observed.  There was one singing near trail marker number 3 and between marker 
number 10 and 4.
@ Summer Tanager - Male observed at the previously posted location at Lebanon 
Hills Regional Park
@ Orchard Oriole - 1st Summer Male observed in the NE corner of the 
intersection of Dakota CR 47 & Cannon River Road.  There was an additional Orchard 
Oriole singing at this location.  

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">5/26/03<BR>
Spent the day birding with Linda Sparling, Ned Winters and a number of other=
 birders at several locations.&nbsp; Made for a nice day and lots of birds.&=
nbsp; My count for the day was 101 species with the following highlights.<BR=
@ Least Bittern - Two Least Bitterns were heard only, calling at the 180th s=
treet marsh at 8:00pm.<BR>
@ Dunlin - 20+ Dunlin's were observed at Lake Byllesby and at the Braun Sod=20=
Farms along CR 66.<BR>
Large numbers of peeps were at Lake Byllesby, but were to far away to identi=
fy most of them.<BR>
@ Cerulean Warbler - Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park - 3 were heard between tr=
ail markers 1/2/3 and 10, on the West side of the parking lot.&nbsp; Access=20=
to these trails is from the main parking lot.<BR>
@ Hooded Warbler - Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park - 2 were heard and one obse=
rved.&nbsp; There was one singing near trail marker number 3 and between mar=
ker number 10 and 4.<BR>
@ Summer Tanager - Male observed at the previously posted location at Lebano=
n Hills Regional Park<BR>
@ Orchard Oriole - 1st Summer Male observed in the NE corner of the intersec=
tion of Dakota CR 47 &amp; Cannon River Road.&nbsp; There was an additional=20=
Orchard Oriole singing at this location.&nbsp; <BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
