[mou] Warblers and Vireos around Rochester

SSMMAC@aol.com SSMMAC@aol.com
Sat, 24 May 2003 19:18:47 EDT

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   This morning (Saturday) brought a welcome, but brief, wave of migrants
  through the woods of my folks place in SW Rochester. Some hilites 
  included Bay-breasted, Blackburnian and Tennessee Warblers, as
  well as a good number of Red-eyed Vireos and a lot of activity
  from the local summer residents. I hope it keeps up for a little longer.
  Good birding.

  Chris Kurtz

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0"><BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp; This morning (Saturday) brought a welcome, but brief, wave of m=
&nbsp; through the woods of my folks place in SW Rochester. Some hilites <BR=
&nbsp; included Bay-breasted, Blackburnian and Tennessee Warblers, as<BR>
&nbsp; well as a good number of Red-eyed Vireos and a lot of activity<BR>
&nbsp; from the local summer residents. I hope it keeps up for a little long=
&nbsp; Good birding.<BR>
&nbsp; Chris Kurtz<BR>
&nbsp; Minnetonka</FONT></HTML>
