[mou] re: Whooping Crane

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Wed, 28 May 2003 10:16:27 -0500

The article includes some mis-information from Joan Galli.  Bob Janssens
book includes two sightings considerably later than 1917 sighting she
attributes to Roberts book.

There are even more recent sightings than mentioned in Bob Janssens 1987
edition book.  We were lucky enough to be among several dozen birders who
were able to see a Whooping Crane in October, 1990 at Burnham Creek WMA in
Polk County.  Details and pictures of that bird were published in The Loon,
Volumn 62, Number 4.  The Burnham Creek sightings was originally by DNR
personnel.  That bird was probably in Minnesota for 17 days over a couple of
different locations.  For the details see The Loon.

Obviously Joan Galli does not pay enough attention to the MOU publications,
even though she is a member.

Dennis and Barbara Martin

> More info, including why not publicized, at
> http://www.twincities.com/mld/pioneerpress/5955608.htm