[mou] RE: [mnbird] Blue Lake Treatment Plant Closed to Birders

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@BestBuy.com
Mon, 17 Nov 2003 07:57:52 -0600

Can we construct a viewing platform there?

Mark Alt
Manager of Project Management
Best Buy Co., Inc. Logistics
Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com <mailto:Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com>
(w) 612-291-6717
(Cell) 612.803.9085

-----Original Message-----
From: Ned Winters [mailto:nwinters@isd.net]=20
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 5:47 PM
To: MOU-net; MnBird Net
Subject: [mnbird] Blue Lake Treatment Plant Closed to Birders

After e-mailing back and forth, I had almost a long discussion with
staff at Blue Lake Waste Treatment Plant in Savage today. The facility
is closed to birders and ANY none essential visitor due to increased
security measures. In the short term , this situation will not be
changing. This is based primarily on the tensions and uncertainties felt
worldwide. In the long term, the staff hopes that when worldwide
security levels ease so will their security measures. The staff on their
own commented that they would welcome birders and hope that the day
comes when they can open the gate to us again.

I have been advised that if you really want to view the birds within the
plant, they don't have any problem if you want to park at the USFWS
parking lot to the east and walk the trails to the fence at the back
side of the plant. As a courtesy to plant personnel and the guards,
please drive up to the plant gate and notify the guard that you will be
walking up to the back side of the plant. This will help show our good
will towards someday being allowed to enter the facility.

I have been welcomed to continue contacting staff to see if the closed
situation changes.

Ned Winters
Bloomington, Hennepin Co.

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