[mou] MOURC nominations & documentations

Kim R. Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Mon, 24 Nov 2003 09:26:28 -0600

At the end of every calendar year, the term of at least one member the MOU
Records Committee (MOURC) expires, and accordingly we are looking for
persons who wish to be considered for service on MOURC. Nominees must be
MOU members, have access to e-mail (most of the records we consider are
handled electronically), and be familiar with the status, distribution,
identification, and documentation of Minnesota birds.

If you want to be considered, or know someone who does, please contact me
by e-mail, U S mail, or telephone no later than December 4. Or, see me in
person at the December 5 MOU board meeting, during the December 6 MOU
Papers Session, or at the December 7 MOURC meeting. The names of all
potential nominees must be submitted no later than during this MOURC
meeting, which is scheduled for noon-4 PM at the Touch & See meeting room
at the Bell Museum. (By the way, any interested MOU member is welcome to
attend and observe any meeting of MOURC.)

Since the Fall 2003 season will be ending soon, with seasonal reports from
observers due, this would be a good time to remind birders of those reports
of unusual species which still need to be documented. It is encouraging to
note there are only four of them this season, all of them having been
posted on the MOU-net listserve and/or included on one of the Minnesota
RBAs. While birders are certainly free to include anything they wish on
their personal and unpublished lists, remember that sightings of
Accidental, Casual, and rare-Regular species can only be published by the
MOU and included in its archives of bird records when accompanied by

Such documentations are of special value now, since MOURC is in the process
of updating the MOU's official checklist of Minnesota birds, and your
record may well affect that species' status on the list. Accordingly, if
you were an observer of any of the records listed below and are interested
in documenting the record, the MOU would appreciate your assistance:

Plegadis ibis, 18 October, Cottonwood, Lyon Co.
Swallow-tailed Kite, 25 August, Morristown, Rice Co.
Gyrfalcon, 8 November, Hawk Ridge, Duluth
Black-headed Gull, 18 October, Spirit L., Jackson Co.

There are also reports of rarities from earlier in 2003 which have yet to
be documented, and documentation for any of these would still be welcome.
Again, however, unless someone still has some notes or details to provide,
these sightings cannot be published or included in the MOU's archives:

White-faced Ibis, 21 April, Lino Lakes, Anoka Co.
White-faced Ibis, 4 May, Morris/Big Stone birding festival (location?)
Barrow's Goldeneye, 2 April, Long Meadow L., Hennepin Co.
White-tailed Kite, 23 April, near Wrenshall, Carlton Co.
Mississippi Kite, 10 May, Hyland Lake Park, Hennepin Co.
Yellow Rail, 18 April, Carlos Avery WMA, Anoka Co.
Eurasian Collared-Dove, 10 March, Renville, Renville Co.
Eurasian Collared-Dove, 13 April, Russell, Lyon Co.
Eurasian Collared-Dove, 15 April, Willmar, Kandiyohi Co.
White-winged Dove, late April, near Ely, Lake Co.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 14 February, Gunflint Lodge, Cook Co.
Le Conte's Sparrow, 22 March, Myre Big Island S.P., Freeborn Co.
Great-tailed Grackle, 13 April, Grover's L., Jackson Co.

There are three ways to provide documentation:

1) By e-mail or regular U.S. mail, send me as complete a description as
possible of the bird, any field notes or photographs which were taken, a
comparison of this bird with similar species, your experience with this and
similar species, whether or not you knew it was unusual, if and when field
guides were used or needed to identify the bird, the light conditions,
distance involved, how long the bird was seen, and the optics used.

Or (2) by e-mail or regular mail, send me your mailing address, and I will
send you an MOU documentation form which outlines the requested information
for you to fill in.

Or (3) you can download this form from the MOU's website, <mou.mn.org>.

Again, seeing a rare bird and adding it to your personal list is certainly
enjoyable in its own right, but when your sighting is also documented and
sent in to the MOU it also serves as an important contribution to our
knowledge of Minnesota bird distribution. If you have any questions, please
don't hesitate to contact me. On behalf of the MOU, thanks in advance for
your help and your contribution to Minnesota ornithology.

Kim Eckert
Chairman, MOURC
1921 W. Kent Rd.
Duluth, MN 55812
(218) 525-6930