[mou] FW: [wisb] Sharp-tailed sandpiper in N IL

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Wed, 01 Oct 2003 19:31:41 -0700

forward by Jim Williams

From: gls@eaest.com
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 19:02:25 -0500
To: "Wisconsin Birding Network" <wisbirdn@lawrence.edu>
Subject: [wisb] Sharp-tailed sandpiper in N IL

Attention all chasers, listers,twitchers, and tickers, there is a
sharp-tailed sandpiper being seen in N Illinois along the Fox R south of
Elgin (Kane Co.).  It apparently has been around since the 27th but the
word got out only late yesterday.  The last 2 days it has been seen in
Blackhawk Forest Preserve which is located on the east side of Rt 31 about
6 mi south of I 90 (south of Elgin and just south of South Elgin).  Follow
the signs in the preserve to the canoe launch.  It seems to be working a
300-500 yd section of the river centered on the canoe launch.  I found it
this afternoon near the RR bridge a couple hundred yds N of the launch.
There are a number of gravel bars in the area, all of which have pectoral
pipers on them so it took me about an hour to check the various spots and
sort thru all the pects (at least a 100 are in the area).

I'm assuming that the sharp-tailed is hanging with this large group of
pects.  Assuming they don't leave in response to tonights cold weather, the
shart-tail quite possibly will still be around tomorrow.

Good luck to anyone who decides to chase it

Greg Seegert
Deerfield, IL

PS  If you find it and feel your're on a hot streak, the Grand Victoria
Casino is only a couple of miles away.

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