[mou] Windmills and migration

Fixinguys@aol.com Fixinguys@aol.com
Fri, 3 Oct 2003 17:25:01 EDT

Are these people nuts?!
The percentage of birds killed by windmills World-Wide would be 
SUB-SUB-FRACTIONAL in comparison to pollutants (mentioned), global climate change, habitat 
loss due to mining, hydro development, logging and land-clearing for 
development, cars and trucks and even freaking pussy cats!!! I'll wager that the miners 
and nuke-plant workers kill more birds on their way to work than all the 
windmills combined.  Ever walk around a windmill or even a windfarm?  I have, and 
I've also hitchhiked extensively.  You'll see more dead birds in a hundred 
yards of highway than around windmills.  Walk the ditches between a freeway and 
you'll really get a shock (so, my car breaks down a lot).
Windmills are not the enemy of birds, folks; large public utilities and even 
each one of us are.  Take a look at your kilowatt hour (kWh) usage on your 
electric bill and see if you're part of the problem or the solution:  The 
national household average usage per month is 600 kWh (outside the US it's less than 
50 kWh).   Wind is truly Green power, especially on a small scale, so reduce 
your own usage and support wind and solar power!!
Steve Anderson
St. Francis, MN
p.s. For ways to reduce your electric bill, reference Home Power magazine, or 
their website at      homepower.com