[mou] Scott Co nighthawks and Franklin's Gulls; strange warbler

Chris Mansfield bikebirder75@yahoo.com
Sun, 5 Oct 2003 16:08:10 -0700 (PDT)

On the way home from visiting near Belle Plaine, I saw a flock of about
60 Common Nighthawks and about 20 Franklin's Gulls over the farm fields
at the intersection of Co. 66 and Goshen Blvd, 4:00-4:30 PM.  There
were thousands of ladybugs swarming the area, and dragonflies
too--plenty of aerial prey for these birds.  There were a few more
nighthawks scattered all the way up Hwy 169 to the Bloomington Ferry

Thanks to all who offered opinions on the Wood Lake warbler. 
Albinistic/dilute Mourning Warbler is the general consensus so far,
though very few have offered thoughts on the black (not olive) patches
on the wings.  Nor has anyone written of other examples of anything
else remotely similar to this plumage; I'm very curious as to how
common this abnormality/hybridization/etc may be.  A noted Oporornis
researcher has expressed much interest, and also much disappointment
that this bird wasn't collected immediately. 
Unfortunately/fortunately, I haven't seen it since the 2nd and haven't
heard any other reports of it either.  

I'll post again once I've heard back from a few more folks I'm waiting
on.  If anyone registered on ID Frontiers or Bird Chat or any other
lists would like to post about this bird, please do.  The more opinions
the better!

Again, the photo link is:


Chris Mansfield
Richfield, Hennepin Co. MN

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