[mou] FW: On The Trail of the Sharp-tailed

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Sun, 05 Oct 2003 16:25:08 -0700

Information on the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper being seen in Illinois, with
comment on other midwestern sightings.
Forward by Jim Williams, Wayzata

From: Bob Domagalski <rcd@execpc.com>
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2003 14:26:49 -0500
To: "Wisconsin Birding Network" <wisbirdn@lawrence.edu>
Subject: [wisb] On The Trail of the Sharp-tailed

    Upon waking this morning (Sunday, Oct. 5th) and being encouraged by
Mark Korducki's post of the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper still being near
Elgin yesterday afternoon, I decided this shorebird was too rare and too
close to let is simply go away without an attempt on my part to see it.
Arriving at the Blackhawk Forest Preserve (following Greg Seegert's
directions), I was quickly guided by numerous birders (including Eric
Howe) to the foot bridge over the Fox River from where the Sharp-tailed
could be seen below and near the bridge.  The lighting was excellent and
there were a number of  scopes already focused on the bird.  The
difficult part was selecting the scope through which I would peer at
this lifer.  The view was so detailed that, if one were so indiscreet
(which I was) as to peek at undertails, one could easily discern the
streaking of the Sharp-tailed as opposed to the white undertail coverts
of the Pecs.
    This Sharp-tailed Sandpiper is so rare that there are only 18 valid
records for the midcontinent (though there are likely some recent
records that I have not yet received).  Previous to the present
sandpiper, Illinois has had 4 records for the Sharp-tailed.  This is
matched by 4 in Iowa.  Wisconsin has yet to have a record pass the
records committee.  The current Sharp-tailed has been in place since
Sept. 27th.  Relatively long stays are not unusual according to the
paste of midcontinent records shown below.  Except for a May 15, 1994
record from Fremont County, Iowa, all of the midcontinent valid records
for the Sharp-tailed are from the fall and very early winter.

    --  Bob Domagalski,  Menomonee Falls

53.  Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

 Illinois(4), Indiana(1), Iowa(4), Nebraska(2), North Dakota(1),
Ohio(2), Ontario(3), Tennessee(1)

1. Sept. 28-29, 1974 - Mason, Illinois
2. Oct. 3, 1974 =96 Johnson, Iowa
3. Nov. 19 to Dec. 5, 1975 =96 Wentworth, Ontario
4. Oct. 6-23, 1984 =96 Cuyahoga, Ohio
5. Oct. 6, 1985 =96 Cook, Illinois
6. Oct. 12, 1986 =96 Butler, Nebraska
7. Aug. 20, 1988 - Essex, Ontario
8. Sept. 23 to Oct. 7, 1988 =96 Gibson, Indiana
9. Sept. 30, 1988 =96 Scott, Iowa
10. Dec. 1-2, 1990 - Lucas, Ohio
11. Sept. 25-26, 1990 =96 Fulton, Illinois
12. Oct. 14, 1990 =96 Johnson, Iowa
13. Sept. 12-18, 1992 =96 Shelby, Tennessee
14. May 15, 1994 =96 Fremont, Iowa
15. Sept. 8, 1994 =96 Sheridan, Nebraska
16. Sept. 28, 1997 - Cass, North Dakota
17. Oct. 17, 1999 - Thunder Bay, Ontario
18. Sept. 23 to Oct. 1, 2000 - Mason, Illinois

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