[mou] Windmills and migration

Fixinguys@aol.com Fixinguys@aol.com
Mon, 6 Oct 2003 02:38:43 EDT

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I think I goofed the first reply up, so I'll try this again.

Yeah, you're right:  Let's not jump on the bandwagon for renewable power; 
let's support the corporate entities that burn coal, which decimates ten's of 
thousands of acres of habitat for birds every year, and causes intense air 
pollution and climate change.  Let's keep the home fires burning in the nuke plants 
(now there are some respectable corporate entities), which run off high 
temperature water into local waterways and have been proven to severely disrupt 
local ecosystems and kill temperature sensitive species such as fish, amphibians, 
and crustaceans, directly affecting significant bird populations.  I get 
pretty PO'd when these corporate entities get federal and state subsidies to 
continue operation of these antiquated, bird-killing power generating systems and 
even get tax incentives to not upgrade them!  I'm not sure what you mean about 
the 1.1 bats getting killed by wind towers, but I do know that more bats are 
killed in this country by those people who use lawn services such as Chemlawn, 
and others, who dump huge quantities of pesticide and herbicide laden 
fertilizers onto their yards and into our waterways, poisoning the insects that bats 
and birds eventually eat.  These pesticides and even the herbicides (many people 
simply purchase the same chemicals at their gardening center) have been 
proven to kill bats and birds outright, or though the resultant birth defects they 
cause. Why aren't we railing against these people?  They kill more bats and 
birds than all the windmills put together!!  Why aren't we standing on street 
corners, with picket signs shouting "SAVE THE BIRDS:  DOWN WITH CATS!!!".  How 
about a bumper sticker that reads:  "Save 1000 birds:  Shoot a cat" (I still 
have a few left if anyone needs). <note:  Don't be fooled by DNR and gardening 
center salespeople who say that these modern herbicides are harmless:  Many 
have 2,4,D, which does break down in the environment eventually, but on the way 
produces 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, a carcinogenic dioxin deadly to 
animals, birds, and humans.  Other chemicals in these off the shelf products kill 
in other ways.>

I do agree that solar power is a proven and possibly more benign energy 
source, but until the sun starts shining at night, we need another renewable 
source, and with responsible installation procedures, windmills can become even less 
significant a threat to birds than they are now.
I share what I perceive is your resentment of large corporations, many who 
are going to make a killing on wind and even solar power, when each of us has 
the power to reduce our dependence on corporate utilities by installing simple 
plug and play solar and wind systems on our homes. Why do the corporations get 
a huge gov. subsidy to produce alternative power, and we individual homeowners 
get nothing?
On a lighter note, as the moon rose last night, the Sand Hill Cranes were 
singing me a lullaby, and later an owl of breed unknown hooted me out of a deep 
sleep.  This morning, the Pileated was working hard to rid the old oak near our 
feeder of insects... Life is good.
Steve Anderson
St. Francis, MN

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=3D2>I think I goofed the firs=
t reply up, so I'll try this again.<BR>
Yeah, you're right:&nbsp; Let's not jump on the bandwagon for renewable powe=
r; let's support the corporate entities that burn coal, which decimates ten'=
s of thousands of acres of habitat for birds every year, and causes intense=20=
air pollution and climate change.&nbsp; Let's keep the home fires burning in=
 the nuke plants (now there are some respectable corporate entities), which=20=
run off high temperature water into local waterways and have been proven to=20=
severely disrupt local ecosystems and kill temperature sensitive species suc=
h as fish, amphibians, and crustaceans, directly affecting significant bird=20=
populations.&nbsp; I get pretty PO'd when these corporate entities get feder=
al and state subsidies to continue operation of these antiquated, bird-killi=
ng power generating systems and even get tax incentives to <I>not </I>upgrad=
e them!&nbsp; I'm not sure what you mean about the 1.1 bats getting killed b=
y wind towers, but I do know that more bats are killed in this country by th=
ose people who use lawn services such as Chemlawn, and others, who dump huge=
 quantities of pesticide and herbicide laden fertilizers onto their yards an=
d into our waterways, poisoning the insects that bats and birds eventually e=
at.&nbsp; These pesticides and even the herbicides (many people simply purch=
ase the same chemicals at their gardening center) have been proven to kill b=
ats and birds outright, or though the resultant birth defects they cause. Wh=
y aren't we railing against these people?&nbsp; They kill more bats and bird=
s than all the windmills put together!!&nbsp; Why aren't we standing on stre=
et corners, with picket signs shouting "SAVE THE BIRDS:&nbsp; DOWN WITH CATS=
!!!".&nbsp; How about a bumper sticker that reads:&nbsp; "Save 1000 birds:&n=
bsp; Shoot a cat" (I still have a few left if anyone needs). &lt;note:&nbsp;=
 Don't be fooled by DNR and gardening center salespeople who say that these=20=
modern herbicides are harmless:&nbsp; Many have 2,4,D, which does break down=
 in the environment eventually, but on the way produces 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorod=
ibenzodioxin, a carcinogenic dioxin deadly to animals, birds, and humans.&nb=
sp; Other chemicals in these off the shelf products kill in other ways.&gt;<=
I do agree that solar power is a proven and possibly more benign energy sour=
ce, but until the sun starts shining at night, we need another renewable sou=
rce, and with responsible installation procedures, windmills can become even=
 less significant a threat to birds than they are now.<BR>
I share what I perceive is your resentment of large corporations, many who a=
re going to make a killing on wind and even solar power, when each of us has=
 the power to reduce our dependence on corporate utilities by installing sim=
ple plug and play solar and wind systems on our homes. Why do the corporatio=
ns get a huge gov. subsidy to produce alternative power, and we individual h=
omeowners get nothing?<BR>
On a lighter note, as the moon rose last night, the Sand Hill Cranes were si=
nging me a lullaby, and later an owl of breed unknown hooted me out of a dee=
p sleep.&nbsp; This morning, the Pileated was working hard to rid the old oa=
k near our feeder of insects... Life is good.<BR>
Steve Anderson<BR>
St. Francis, MN<BR>