[mou] Surf Scoter - Marshall County - 10/6/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Wed, 8 Oct 2003 09:51:16 EDT

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Spend most of the day birding in Kittson County today, but finished at the 
Warren Sewage Ponds in Marshall County.  Where I observed a single Immature or 
female Surf Scoter.  The Snow Geese are moving and were observed in about a 
dozen locations and I began to encounter my first flocks of Longspurs as well.  I 
began my day with a very cooperative Sharp-tailed Grouse along Hyw 59 at the 
intersection with Marshall County Road 5.

Here are some of the sightings from my day of birding in Kittson County.

@ Snow Goose
@ Surf Scoter
@ Ruffed Grouse - Twin Lakes WMA
@ Spotted Sandpiper - Karlstad Sewage Ponds
@ American Golden Plover - 100+ at the Hallock Sewage Ponds
@ Red-headed Woodpecker
@ Bohemian Waxwing - observed in 3 locations around the town of Karlstad
@ American Pipit - small numbers observed at most of the sewage ponds I 
@ American Tree Sparrow - A single bird was observed at the Kennedy Cemetery

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>Spend most of the day birding in Kittson County today, but finished at=20=
the Warren Sewage Ponds in Marshall County.&nbsp; Where I observed a single=20=
Immature or female Surf Scoter.&nbsp; The Snow Geese are moving and were obs=
erved in about a dozen locations and I began to encounter my first flocks of=
 Longspurs as well.&nbsp;&nbsp;I began my day with a very cooperative Sharp-=
tailed Grouse along Hyw 59 at the intersection with Marshall County Road 5.<=
<DIV>Here are some of&nbsp;the sightings from my day of birding in Kittson C=
<DIV>@ Snow Goose</DIV>
<DIV>@ Surf Scoter</DIV>
<DIV>@&nbsp;Ruffed&nbsp;Grouse - Twin Lakes WMA</DIV>
<DIV>@ Spotted Sandpiper - Karlstad Sewage Ponds</DIV>
<DIV>@ American Golden Plover - 100+ at the Hallock Sewage Ponds</DIV>
<DIV>@ Red-headed Woodpecker</DIV>
<DIV>@ Bohemian Waxwing - observed in 3 locations around the town of Karlsta=
<DIV>@ American Pipit - small numbers observed at most of the sewage ponds I=
<DIV>@ American Tree Sparrow - A single bird was observed at the Kennedy Cem=
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></BODY></HTM=
