[mou] Sibley, Brown & Cottonwood Co. birds

JEBonkoski@aol.com JEBonkoski@aol.com
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 08:45:55 EDT

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I birded my way down to St. James yesterday, 10,9.  I found good numbers of 
American Pipits in Sibley (Gaylord Sewage Ponds) , Nicollet (Minnesota River 
Bottom), Brown (Sleepy Eye Sewage Ponds) and Cottonwood Co.  There also were 
about 200 shorebirds at the Sleepy Eye Sewage Ponds, including about 50 
Long-billed Dowitchers, more than 50 Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs, a Ruddy Turnstone, 2 
Sanderlings, several Pectoral Sandpipers and a couple of Least Sandpipers.  
I saw 22 Golden Plovers just south of the Red Rock Prairie Preserve in 
Cottonwood Co. along with Lapland Longspurs, Pipits and Horned Larks.  I did not see 
any Smith's Longspurs on the Red Rock Prairie, but by the time I got to 
Cottonwood Co. the wind had increased to about 25 mph.

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">I birded my way down to St. James yesterday, 10,9.&nbs=
p; I found good numbers of American Pipits in Sibley (Gaylord Sewage Ponds)=20=
, Nicollet (Minnesota River Bottom), Brown (Sleepy Eye Sewage Ponds) and Cot=
tonwood Co.&nbsp; There also were about 200 shorebirds at the Sleepy Eye Sew=
age Ponds, including about 50 Long-billed Dowitchers, more than 50 Greater &=
amp; Lesser Yellowlegs, a Ruddy Turnstone, 2 Sanderlings, several Pectoral S=
andpipers and a couple of Least Sandpipers.&nbsp; <BR>
I saw 22 Golden Plovers just south of the Red Rock Prairie Preserve in Cotto=
nwood Co. along with Lapland Longspurs, Pipits and Horned Larks.&nbsp; I did=
 not see any Smith's Longspurs on the Red Rock Prairie, but by the time I go=
t to Cottonwood Co. the wind had increased to about 25 mph.</FONT></HTML>
