[mou] Bald Eagle chases Golden Eagle in MN

Mathias Schaust Jr. matt@northernexposuregetaway.com
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 07:50:23 -0500

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It's been an exciting week with the warm weather (80's) and beautiful =
autumn colors enticing us to wander and explore.
Yesterday, at the crack of dawn, a Golden Eagle flew in and landed on =
top of a Spruce tree in the yard, he sat and observed all of the =
'action' below as the sharp-shinned hawk 'carried on' harrassing the =
Blue Jays and a flock of Robins that stopped by.  We were fortunate =
enough to catch some video footage of the Golden perching in the top of =
the Spruce tree, then a Bald Eagle  (about 1/2 to 1/3 his size) came in =
and swooped into the Golden, chasing him out of his favorite perch. The =
Golden flew away, the Bald perched in the other spruce tree, hovering =
over his morning meal.
We will be posting the video asap, for those of you who would like to =
view it.
The beautiful weather has the frogs croaking again! It almost sounds =
like spring!
Happy Birding!  Matt~Laurie
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>
<DIV>It's been an exciting week with the warm weather (80's) and =
autumn colors enticing us to wander and explore.</DIV>
<DIV>Yesterday, at the crack of dawn, a Golden Eagle flew in and landed =
on top=20
of a Spruce tree in the yard, he sat and observed all of the 'action' =
below as=20
the sharp-shinned hawk 'carried on' harrassing the Blue Jays and a flock =
Robins that stopped by.&nbsp; We were fortunate enough to catch some =
footage of the Golden perching in the top of the Spruce tree, then a =
Eagle&nbsp; (about 1/2 to 1/3 his size) came in and swooped into the =
chasing him out of his favorite perch. The Golden flew away, the Bald =
perched in=20
the other spruce tree, hovering over his morning meal.</DIV>
<DIV>We will be posting the video asap, for those of you who would like =
to view=20
<DIV>The beautiful weather has the frogs croaking again! It almost =
sounds like=20
<DIV>Happy Birding!&nbsp; Matt~Laurie</DIV></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
