[mou] Black-throated Blue Warbler - Goodhue

Chad Aakre chadaakre@hotmail.com
Mon, 13 Oct 2003 16:52:23 -0500

Hey all,

This is a late report of a pair of Black- thoated Blue Warblers at Villa 
Maria Center near Frontenac in Goodhue County.  The juvenile and adult 
female pair was observed on Wed. Oct 8th at about 11:30 AM.   I was 
extremely happy to view these birds as I have only heard this warbler in the 
past on the breeding grounds.   I had some stellar looks and took copious 
notes.   The ID was made easy with a nice wing spot  on the female.   All 
other field marks fit in also.  I was not able to get to a computer before 


Chad Aakre
Winona County

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