[mou] poem: "Advanced Birding"

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 14:57:46 -0500

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I was having some fun playing around with this idea of a mean birding =
leader, and I wrote this poem--meant to be funny, but I wouldn't =
recommend such a teacher (who is the narrator of the poem), at least not =
his/her sarcasm.

So here it is for the heck of it:

Advanced Birding

These lenses deserve
smarter eyes.

How do you=20
expect to

see?...   the coverts, the under-tail

and know the Orange-Crowned
from the Tennessee?  What

are you doing

Did you catch that profile
just now? Say

"Cuckoo." Say it again. Pay
attention. That flash--there!--

of yellow wingbars
is the fall Chestnut and

nothing else. These are binoculars.

the nature of focus. Listen, watch--teach
your fingers. Be

quick. Don't lose
the bird. You're a gunfighter.

Even when the wings keep going,
you can still

get it. Let me
tell you something--you lose that bird

...you go home.

Tim Houghton
(Clear Lake)

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<TITLE>poem: &quot;Advanced Birding&quot;</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>I was having some fun playing around with this idea of =
a mean birding leader, and I wrote this poem--meant to be funny, but I =
wouldn't recommend such a teacher (who is the narrator of the poem), at =
least not his/her sarcasm.<BR>
So here it is for the heck of it:<BR>
Advanced Birding<BR>
These lenses deserve<BR>
smarter eyes.<BR>
How do you<BR>
expect to<BR>
see?...&nbsp;&nbsp; the coverts, the under-tail<BR>
and know the Orange-Crowned<BR>
from the Tennessee?&nbsp; What<BR>
are you doing<BR>
Did you catch that profile<BR>
just now? Say<BR>
&quot;Cuckoo.&quot; Say it again. Pay<BR>
attention. That flash--there!--<BR>
of yellow wingbars<BR>
is the fall Chestnut and<BR>
nothing else. These are binoculars.<BR>
the nature of focus. Listen, watch--teach<BR>
your fingers. Be<BR>
quick. Don't lose<BR>
the bird. You're a gunfighter.<BR>
Even when the wings keep going,<BR>
you can still<BR>
get it. Let me<BR>
tell you something--you lose that bird<BR>
...you go home.<BR>
Tim Houghton<BR>
(Clear Lake)</FONT>
