[mou] Hennepin Cty. Swans

Hoeger75@aol.com Hoeger75@aol.com
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 15:54:52 EDT

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Six adult swans (3 pair)  3/4 mile west of St Boniventure on Mn. Hwy. 7 (far 
western Hennepin Cty.) in the marshy pond on the south side of the highway 
(very busy traffic), today (Friday) around 11 am.  I wanna say they are 
Trumpeters, but my swan ID skills aren't too great---@ the Sibley pics, these seem to 
have the straighter bill edge and longer bills, and "more evenly rounded" 
backs.  No yellow lores.
pete hoeger, hutchinson

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=3D2>Six adult swans (3 pair)=20=
&nbsp;3/4 mile west of St Boniventure on Mn. Hwy. 7 (far western Hennepin Ct=
y.) in the marshy pond on the south side of the highway (very busy traffic),=
 today (Friday) around 11 am. &nbsp;I wanna say they are Trumpeters, but my=20=
swan ID skills aren't too great---@ the Sibley pics, these seem to have the=20=
straighter bill edge and longer bills, and "more evenly rounded" backs. &nbs=
p;No yellow lores.
<BR>pete hoeger, hutchinson</FONT></HTML>
