[mou] Sage Thrasher update

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 21:28:33 -0500 (CDT)

The Sage Thrasher was seen by several observers between 1:15 and 2:35 PM
today (Tuesday) in the Grand Marais tourist campground. It lurked near the
pavilion where previously reported, but also ranged as far as the parking
lot next to the swimming pool and spent most of its time foraging around
parked recreational vehicles west and north of the pavilion. Three Surf
Scoters were on Good Harbor Bay just west of Grand Marais, White-winged
Scoters were seen off Stoney Point in St. Louis County, and another
White-winged was in the Grand Marais harbor. Congratulations to Jeff
Stephenson, for whom the thrasher was species #300 in year 2003!

Peder H. Svingen - psvingen@d.umn.edu - Duluth, MN