[mou] Shorebirds in St. Louis Co.

M. Thomas Auer t_auer@lycos.com
Wed, 10 Sep 2003 20:22:53 -0600


Tonight, went out and missed the Whimbrel Mike Hendrickson saw. Then at Park Point, in the same spot that Mike mentioned, I had Ruddy Turnstone (2), Sanderling (~50), and Semipalmated Plover (3). Only 2 shorebirds at Morgan Park. 1 L. Yellowlegs and 1 Pectoral Sandpiper.

Previous sightings that I hadn't had time to mention were 2 Caspian Terns at Park Point on 9/7, 1 Wilson's Warbler on the same date there, and a Green Heron at Morgan Park on the same day.

Looking forward for this system to come through and bring some more birds when the wind direction shifts around.

Good Luck!
Tom Auer

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