[mou] Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge Sightings

Mathias Schaust Jr. matt@northernexposuregetaway.com
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 10:33:48 -0500

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On Tuesday September 23,2003 on a trip to 'Rice Lake National Wildlife =
Refuge' (Minnesota), We watched (and video taped) a Great Blue Heron =
feeding in the 'Rice River, numerous ducks, a spruce grouse crossed the =
road in front of us, 2 'Red tailed Hawks, soared above, and 1000's of =
Canadian Geese splashed, played & rested in Rice Lake, 100's (if not =
thousands) of Red Winged Blackbirds put on a 'show', and an American =
Bittern, 2 Robins (haven't seen many of those around lately) and other =
songbirds also made their appearance. We also captured some 'Awesome' =
footage of Butterflies & Bees pollinating flowers, it is so close-up =
that we are able to view the butterflies tongue probing the flowers and =
curling and uncurling!=20
Some neat footage of a Painted Turtle as he wakes up from a nap and =
crawls across the road, followed by his caterpillar companion!
We plan to post some of the video clips for you to enjoy!
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>On Tuesday September 23,2003 on a trip =
to 'Rice=20
Lake National Wildlife Refuge' (Minnesota), We watched (and video taped) =
a Great=20
Blue Heron feeding in the 'Rice River, numerous ducks, a spruce grouse =
the road in front of us, 2 'Red tailed Hawks, soared above, and 1000's =
Canadian Geese splashed, played &amp; rested in Rice Lake, 100's (if not =

thousands) of Red Winged Blackbirds put on a 'show', and an American =
Bittern, 2=20
Robins (haven't seen many of those around lately) and other songbirds =
also made=20
their appearance. We also captured some 'Awesome' footage of Butterflies =
Bees pollinating flowers, it is so close-up that we are able to view the =

butterflies tongue probing the flowers and curling and uncurling! =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Some neat footage of a Painted Turtle =
as he wakes=20
up from a nap and crawls across the road, followed by his caterpillar=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>We plan to post some of the video clips =
for you to=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Matt~</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Laurie</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
