[mou] Fwd: [TEXBIRDS] Corpus Christi Hawk Watch, 09/23 - [Broadies]

Chris Fagyal Chris.Fagyal@udlp.com
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 11:32:15 -0500

Our broad-winged hawks made it to texas it seems :) (Just a surmisal of
course, but it was their first 6 figure day of the season, so at least
many of the hawks that went over Hawk Ridge last week went over Hazel
Bazemore on Monday the 23rd).

Chris Fagyal
Senior Software Engineer
United Defense, L.P.
Fridley, MN
(763) 572-5320

>>> Patty Waits Beasley <patty@CCBIRDING.COM> 09/23/2003 21:26:48 PM
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Greetings all!

September 23, 2003

Man, what a nice liftoff this morning! Despite the river being so high
bottom land park roads were flooded; the closing off of the upper road

access thanks to our state police's microwave tower busting a guy-wire;
humidity and mosquitoes that kept us alternately scratching/slapping
wiping our brows this morning, several dozen intrepid folks braved the

conditions to get to the hill in time for the show. Houston, we had
off! More than 21,000 broadies took flight after their overnight
thrilling the folks on the hill, some of whom had not seen anything
like a Hazel Bazemore lift off, and weren't sure just which direction
should look next. When broadies are coming over, around and from behind

you, sometimes it's hard not to be a whirling dervishThe rest of the
day brought more storm-backed up broadies on down, but 
we're still just at the tip of the kettle, so to speak. We did have
hawks set down this evening, so there will likely be a lift off again 
tomorrow, albeit much, much smaller than today's. Taylor has the break
of broadies by the hour for us. Note the times listed are "hawk watch
which corresponds to Hawk Watch International standard (aka mountain)
Add an hour to bring it up to Texas (central) time:

7-8  0.
8-9  liftoff... 15,910....
9-10  still liftoff... 36,522.
10-11  only 4,673.
11-12  big kettles...21,769.
12-1  siesta... 4,043.
1-2  kettles... 11,348.
2-3  more kettles... 18,352.
3-4  more kettles... 6,542.
4-5  bedtime... 143.

Now for the day's totals of all hawks. Thanks, Taylor!

The totals of everything on 9/23/03:
4 Turkey vultures
15 Ospreys
16 Mississippi kites
5 Sharp-shinned hawks
20 Cooper's hawks
1 Red-shouldered hawk
119,302 Broadwinged hawks
44 Swainson's hawks
11 Red-tailed hawks
1 Harris' hawk
24 American kestrels
4 Merlins
11 Peregrine falcons
2 Prarie falcons
2 Crested Caracaras
1 unidentified accip.
2 unidentified falcons
1 unidentified raptor
Total for the day:  119,466

Our first six-figure day with 15 species on the board! Great job,

Season totals to date:
0 ..........Black vulture
44 .........Turkey vulture
71 .........Osprey
20 .........Swallow-tailed kite
0 ..........White-tailed kite
9612 .......Mississippi kite
0 ..........Bald eagle
6 ..........Northern harrier
11 .........Sharp-shinned hawk
41 .........Cooper's hawk
0 ..........Northern goshawk
10 .........Red-shouldered hawk
237472 .....Broad-winged hawk
186 ........Swainson's hawk
35 .........Red-tailed hawk
0 ..........Ferruginous hawk
2 ..........White-tailed hawk
0 ..........Short-tailed hawk
1 ..........Zone-tailed hawk
2 ..........Harris's hawk
0 ..........Rough-legged hawk
0 ..........Common black hawk
0 ..........Golden eagle
115 ........American kestrel
22 .........Merlin
52 .........Peregrine falcon
3  .........Prairie falcon
1 ..........Aplomado falcon
12..........Crested caracara
6 ..........Unknown accipiters
14 .........Unknown buteos
7 ..........Unknown falcons
0 ..........Unknown eagles
20 .........Unknown raptors
247,765 Season total to 09/23/03
Join us on the hill for "A Celebration of Flight"
September 25-28 - FMI:  http://www.ccbirding.com/thw/2003/cof.html 
Patty Waits Beasley
Corpus Christi, TX
Our 2003 Crew: Joel Simon, Taylor Ellis, Ricardo Perez.
Update your links!! All reports and much more information and even
are on our web site. Drop on by the Texas Hawk Watches web site at 
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