[mou] Salt Lake trip - 9/20-9/21

Mexczech@aol.com Mexczech@aol.com
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 22:18:12 EDT

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Hi Birders,

We birded Salt Lake, Lake Lac Qui Parle, Thielke Lake and the area around=20
Clinton this last weekend.=A0 Stayed in Ortonville.=A0 Saw 47 species, some=20=
exciting, including the american golden-plovers (lifer).=A0 Isabela may have=
a role.=A0 I list the more interesting (for me, at least) species below.=A0=20=
the end for a brief account of my abyssmal attempt to 'clean-up' the Salt La=

Salt Lake
eared grebe (few)
ruddy ducks (several)
coot (hundreds if not a couple thousand)
american golden-plover (several at Salt Lake)
semipalmated plovers (few)
pectoral sandpiper (few)
baird's sandpiper (six)
dowitcher sp. (five)
red-necked phalarope (ten)
western meadowlark (few)

Clinton area
american white pelican (about one dozen)
black-crowned night-heron (adult and juvenile)
sandhill crane (one)
wilson's snipe (one)

around the area:
northern harrier
lesser yellowlegs
ring-billed gull
franklin's gull (plenty)
belted kingfisher
northern flicker (several)
eastern phoebe (one juv.)
tree and barn swallows (loads)
american robin
savannah and vesper sparrows

The Zajics
Eagan, Dakota County

'Clean-up' of Salt Lake:=A0 I made arrangements with a Deule County (Sth.=20
Dakota) employee to have someone pick up any trash bags left on the road alo=
ng Salt=20
Lake on 9/22.=A0 I filled two bags; the fact that I forgot to bring gloves=20
didn't help.=A0 But, in the process I realized there is a huge (in my opinio=
amount of trash on the Sth. Dakota side of Salt Lake.=A0 I picked up many gl=
ass and=20
metal pieces and shotgun shell cases.=A0 It seems farmers and hunters do a g=
deal of dumping as tractor parts and the shell cases testify to.=A0 I'll do=20=
again next year but if someone has an idea as to how to clean it up 'better'=
please share it!

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0"><BR>
Hi Birders,<BR>
We birded Salt Lake, Lake Lac Qui Parle, Thielke Lake and the area around Cl=
inton this last weekend.=A0 Stayed in Ortonville.=A0 Saw 47 species, some re=
al exciting, including the american golden-plovers (lifer).=A0 Isabela may h=
ave played a role.=A0 I list the more interesting (for me, at least) species=
 below.=A0 See the end for a brief account of my abyssmal attempt to 'clean-=
up' the Salt Lake.<BR>
Salt Lake<BR>
eared grebe (few)<BR>
ruddy ducks (several)<BR>
coot (hundreds if not a couple thousand)<BR>
american golden-plover (several at Salt Lake)<BR>
semipalmated plovers (few)<BR>
pectoral sandpiper (few)<BR>
baird's sandpiper (six)<BR>
dowitcher sp. (five)<BR>
red-necked phalarope (ten)<BR>
western meadowlark (few)<BR>
Clinton area<BR>
american white pelican (about one dozen)<BR>
black-crowned night-heron (adult and juvenile)<BR>
sandhill crane (one)<BR>
wilson's snipe (one)<BR>
around the area:<BR>
northern harrier<BR>
lesser yellowlegs<BR>
ring-billed gull<BR>
franklin's gull (plenty)<BR>
belted kingfisher<BR>
northern flicker (several)<BR>
eastern phoebe (one juv.)<BR>
tree and barn swallows (loads)<BR>
american robin<BR>
savannah and vesper sparrows<BR>
The Zajics<BR>
Eagan, Dakota County<BR>
'Clean-up' of Salt Lake:=A0 I made arrangements with a Deule County (Sth. Da=
kota) employee to have someone pick up any trash bags left on the road along=
 Salt Lake on 9/22.=A0 I filled two bags; the fact that I forgot to bring gl=
oves didn't help.=A0 But, in the process I realized there is a huge (in my o=
pinion) amount of trash on the Sth. Dakota side of Salt Lake.=A0 I picked up=
 many glass and metal pieces and shotgun shell cases.=A0 It seems farmers an=
d hunters do a good deal of dumping as tractor parts and the shell cases tes=
tify to.=A0 I'll do this again next year but if someone has an idea as to ho=
w to clean it up 'better', please share it!<BR>
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