[mou] Whip-poor-will

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:24:15 -0500

Had our latest date by a long ways for a Whip-poor-will late this PM at Fort
Ridgely State Park in Nicollet County.  According to Bob Janssen's "Birds in
Minnesota" this is very close to the end of the migration for this species.
This bird called once about 5:00 PM in an area that was out of the wind and
was during the passage of a lot of very dark clouds so it probably seemed
like later than it was.  Both of us looked at each other like we couldn't
have posssibly have heard what we had just heard.

Also had out first Fox Sparrow of the fall at Williams Nature Center in Blue
Earth County.

Do I gather by the lack of messages on this board that no one else was out
birding.?  Since I believe that others were also out why not report your
most interesting sightings.

Dennis and Barbara Martin