[mou] Duluth Hawk Trapping

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 20:57:51 -0500

Amber Burnette and I went to a private banding station in Duluth for the
weekend.  Saturday we trapped 64 birds including merlins, kestrels,
goshawks, sharp shins, Cooper's, red-tail, and broad-wing.  I was surprised
after the big day at Hawk Ridge a few weeks ago to still see hundreds of
broad-wings flying over.

Sunday was not as hot as Saturday at the banding station but we got almost
all the same species as the day before.  Interesting were the hundreds of
ravens that moved through catching thermals and rising high into the air.
Does anyone have any information on seasonal movement of ravens in

Huge flocks of lapland longspurs fed in the field providing excellent
viewing of the many harriers that passed through but never made it in the

Saturday night we also heard several night migrants passing over our hotel
room on Lake Superior.

Sharon Stiteler
Uptown, Minneapolis
the official bird lady of www.neilgaiman.com

See the mouse incident at www.wildbirdstore.net/kare11.html