[mou] Ross Goose, Pelicans - Winona County

Chad Aakre chadaakre@hotmail.com
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 18:36:56 -0600

Yo birders,

The Ross Goose was still present at 5:00 p.m. today at the previously 
mentioned spot in the Whitewater Management Area, Winona County.      There 
was also what I believe to be a partial albino Canada Goose on the same pool 
of water.   The head and the neck were mottled white and the body was 
distinctly Canada Goose.   Same size as the large geese in the area.   
Really wierd bird.   I am pretty sure it was not a strange snow.

I also had a chance to stop at John Latch State Park.   I am still looking 
for my first Fox Sparrow.  One thing about the chat lines is that all these 
people see these birds and then you wonder why you aren't seeing them also.  
  I have seen plenty of Fox Sparrows in past years.   I have gotten out 
almost every day the last two weeks and still have not seen one.   Granted 
my outings have always been short and packed into a busy schedule.  I still 
thought I would have seen one by now.   Anyways, its a funny thing and worth 

So it turns out that the birds flying over were more interesting than in the 
trees.   I had a Perigrine Falcon fly over.  I am assuming that this is the 
same one that has been seen on the nest box on the adjacent bluff cliff.   
The most exciting thing was a flock of 52 American White Pelicans that flew 
over in a huge V.   I counted every last one.   It just so happens that a 
plane was flying over at the time which gave them more of a B-52 feel than 
normal.   I did not see where they landed .  They just kept on truckin 

I love spring!

Chad Aakre
Winona County

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