[mou] Snow Goose - St. Louis County

aabier aabier@earthlink.net
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 19:08:43 -0600

Today I saw a snow goose on Silver Lake, in Virginia, St. Louis County. 
  I looked at the mou map, it looks like snow geese are not usually this 
far north in the county, and the first one I have seen.  It was with a 
small group of Canada geese, some of the 100 or so now staying around 
the lake.  There are also at least 1000 ringbilled gulls, who arrived 
last week along with the geese, several common merganers, and at least 
1 hooded merganser.  And of course the resident mallards, who stay all 
year because the lake cools the steam plant so part of the water stays 
open.  The only other newcomers so far I have seen are robins, which 
also started showing up last week.
Anne Bier - Virginia, St. Louis County