[mou] Hermit Thrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Holly Peirson hpeirson@pclink.com
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 11:36:28 -0500

Yesterday when going to get the paper Paul reported a Hermit Thrush on the
drive, finding insects in the chilly AM. So I went out to see it, and there
it was! I also heard MANY Ruby-crowned Kinglets in the trees overhead, and
one came close enough to show us his ruby crest! The Sandhill Cranes are
calling and flying overhead frequently on their journeys from nesting sites
at Carlos Avery, no doubt finding leftover corn in the fields around here,
and several times they have been seen and heard (wow, they are loud up
close!) searching for frogs and other goodies in the marsh behind our house.
I am feeding a new flock of Juncos, the small winter flock that included the
Oregon pink-sided male has departed, all of these are dark-eyed males at
this point. Several pairs of Purple Finches have been here for a few weeks,
had Fox Sparrows last week, Wood Ducks are hopefully using their traditional
nesting sites in our oaks, but I'm not sure they've found the newer houses
we put up last year yet. The bluebirds have been back and singing in the
area for a couple of weeks already!

Last week I saw some Red-tailed Hawks' courtship behavior in the marsh
behind my house. The female was perched on a limb visible from my window as
I worked on the next issue of "Minnesota Birding." A male flew up, edged
close to her, and gave her the mouse or other small food item in his talons.
She looked at it and then began to eat it. He moved slightly away from her,
sat there for a few minutes, then flew off to the other side of the marsh,
hopefully to find his own lunch. I have not heard the Red-shouldered Hawks
yet, but usually in summer we host Red-shouldered, Red-tailed, and
Broad-winged right near our house, and nearby a Cooper's Hawk also. I hope
they all come back this year!

Holly Peirson
Columbus Twnshp, SE Anoka Co.