[mou] WI White-tailed Kite

Rich Peet richpeet@hotmail.com
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 13:43:43 -0500

I promised myself I would not do this but I reviewed my field notes so I am.

For those that may go a bit out of range of this list. (don't know the WI 
list) Crex Meadows.
Saturday 5:00PM north end of Phantom Lake Rd.

White-tailed Kite
I have no photo but observed over 10 mins on perch at 50 yards with a direct 
I know it to not be a light phase NH and I am 100% sure but don't expect 
that alone to be accepted.  Not a shy bird if you find it.

Anyone that is going there in the near future please keep your eyes open for 
a confirmation.

Rich Peet

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