[mou] [mnbird] Amazing Pelicans

Kelly Larson larson@redwing.net
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 16:33:24 -0500

Easter Sunday trip excerpt, Dakota Cty
    I followed cty hwy 18 to Ravenna Trail (cty hwy 54) stopping
occasionally to scope more teal and a whole lot of Wood Ducks. I hit pay
dirt just SE of Hastings at Lake Isabelle. Three quarters of the visible
lake edge was packed with American White Pelicans. I pulled to the
shoulder and set up a scope. For about twenty minutes I watched. While
half of them were actively feeding on the south end, the rest were
either preening or sleeping on the north end. I tried to count. Getting
to a hundred I estimated the size of this group in relation to the whole
and came up with between 800-900 birds! Lots of people stopped to ask
questions and some got out to look through the scope. Everyone was
simple amazed! 10 Turkey Vultures circled over head and were the focus
of more questions from passers-by.

Kelly Larson
Feathered Friend Wild Bird Store
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