[mou] [mnbird] Birding Dakota County

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 16:41:49 -0500

Out with Val Cunningham today and found the following in Dakota County:

140th Street Marsh area:

rusty blackbirds
American wigeon
lesser scaup
ring-neck duck
grenn-winged teal

210th Street Empire Station

western meadowlark
gray partridge
vesper sparrow

Also of note (at least to us) was a huge movement of pelicans.  At one point
people were pulling over asking us what the large white birds were.  We told
one old dude at least seven times that they were pelicans.  I'm not sure if
he was hard of hearing or just didn't believe us.

Sharon Stiteler
Uptown, Minneapolis
"How much wood could a woodcock spin, if a woodcock could spin wood?"

Paul Johnsgard

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