[mou] trills and drums

Rich Peet richpeet@hotmail.com
Thu, 15 Apr 2004 22:24:04 -0500

In southern wi this week I was able to find a 4 trill forrest edge. Defined 
as heard within 15 mins from one location. Swamp, chip, junco, field.

In MN I should be able to beat it with a 5 trill. That I suspect will be a 
chip, junco, field, clay, blue-winged.  Please let me know if you find such 
a place as I would like to record it.

This morning not to far from MSP I found a 6 woodpecker woods and worked 
hard to try and turn it into a 7.  Maybe next week.  The Sapsuckers and 
flickers are on the move now in big numbers and it sounded like a telegraph 

First Osprey of the year today for me. Came over to me to Brag and show off 
his big perch.

Rich Peet

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