[mou] More pelicans..Prior Lake/Spring Lake Township-Scott Co.

sharrie slafleur@mchsi.com
Fri, 16 Apr 2004 20:06:59 -0700

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Went out to my usual spot on Spring Lake, south side boat launch.  And =
there were 14 white pelicans out on the lake.. they were pretty cool =
looking..I talked to the DNR guys out there, and they helped me with the =
ducks i saw..  were canvasback ducks, also, scaup and the white/black =
ones were buffleheads.And that loon were pretty regular cuz the lake was =
quiet  One of the DNR guys was a birder and told me Eagle Lake in Young =
America is a great lake for waterfowl.

Also, sat and watched a couple crow, that were jumping all over the =
place, trying to figure what they were doing, here one of them had =
caught a little snake, and ever time he tried to pick it up it would =
wiggle and the birds would start jumping around, they were pretty =
hilarious to watch..
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Went out to my usual spot on Spring Lake, south =
side boat=20
launch.&nbsp; And there were 14 white pelicans out on the lake.. they =
pretty cool looking..I talked to the DNR guys out there, and they helped =
me with=20
the ducks i saw..&nbsp; were canvasback ducks, also, scaup and the =
ones were buffleheads.And that loon were pretty regular cuz the lake was =

quiet&nbsp;&nbsp;One of the DNR guys was a birder and told me Eagle Lake =
Young America is a great lake for waterfowl.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>sharrie</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Also, sat and watched a couple crow, that were =
jumping all=20
over the place, trying to figure what they were doing, here one of them =
caught a little snake, and ever time he tried to pick it up it would =
wiggle and=20
the birds would start jumping around, they were pretty hilarious to=20
