[mou] Northern Flicker on the Gunflint Trail

Naturalist nature@gunflint.com
Sat, 24 Apr 2004 13:46:12 -0500

In the past few days, the northern flicker and white-throated sparrow
have arrived back on the Gunflint Trail.  In the past week, the
dark-eyed junco and purple finch populations have rapidly increased.
However, the common redpoll population has decreased as they move up to
their breeding grounds.

Gunflint Lake still has approximately 90% of its ice, but there was
still a loon and an immature bald eagle spotted in close proximity on
the north (but still in the US) side in a patch of open water.

Other birds that are commonly being seen recently are the common raven,
American crow, blue jay, gray jay, black-capped chickadee, and a pair of
barred owls.

John Silliman
Head Naturalist
Gunflint Lodge