[mou] orange-crowned/St.Cloud/Plum Creek

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Sat, 24 Apr 2004 15:40:57 -0500

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Plum Creek Regional Park is an area just south of St. Cloud and Beaver =
Island Trails, btw 33 St. S. and about 41 St. S. It was recently =
acquired by the city of St. Cloud--and before proper protocol was =
followed, plans had been made to
use it for vehicles--motocross, ATV, that sort of thing. That may =
change. Central Audubon is conducting bird surveys of the =
area--something over 100 acres--in the hopes of using the information to =
convince the city to either
preserve the area or, at the very least, to only allow vehicles on part =
of it. But the place is so small and narrow up against the MS river, =
that I hope it's totally preserved. If you're inclined, write the city =
of St. Cloud.

And the place seems to be good birding, too. Bob Rodgers and I birded =
the area this morning and this is what we found:

orange-crowned warbler, hermit thrush, sharp-shinned h., broad-winged =
r.t. hawk, brown creeper, snipe, greater yellowlegs, kildeer, great blue =
robin, chipping sparrow, clay-colored sp., yellow rumps, cowbirds, field =
vesper sp., song sp., white thr. sp., flicker, cardinal, w.b. nuthatch,
blue-grey gnatcather, crow, r.c. kinglet, downy, phoebe, red-bellied w.,
goldfinch, house finch, kingfisher, junco,tree swallow, bank =

For this part of MN, this place could turn out to be one of the better =

Tim Houghton

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<TITLE>orange-crowned/St.Cloud/Plum Creek</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Plum Creek Regional Park is an area just south of St. =
Cloud and Beaver Island Trails, btw 33 St. S. and about 41 St. S. It was =
recently acquired by the city of St. Cloud--and before proper protocol =
was followed, plans had been made to<BR>
use it for vehicles--motocross, ATV, that sort of thing. That may =
change. Central Audubon is conducting bird surveys of the =
area--something over 100 acres--in the hopes of using the information to =
convince the city to either<BR>
preserve the area or, at the very least, to only allow vehicles on part =
of it. But the place is so small and narrow up against the MS river, =
that I hope it's totally preserved. If you're inclined, write the city =
of St. Cloud.<BR>
And the place seems to be good birding, too. Bob Rodgers and I birded =
the area this morning and this is what we found:<BR>
orange-crowned warbler, hermit thrush, sharp-shinned h., broad-winged =
r.t. hawk, brown creeper, snipe, greater yellowlegs, kildeer, great blue =
robin, chipping sparrow, clay-colored sp., yellow rumps, cowbirds, field =
vesper sp., song sp., white thr. sp., flicker, cardinal, w.b. =
blue-grey gnatcather, crow, r.c. kinglet, downy, phoebe, red-bellied =
goldfinch, house finch, kingfisher, junco,tree swallow, bank =
For this part of MN, this place could turn out to be one of the better =
Tim Houghton</FONT>
