[mou] Palm Warbler, L. Elmo Park

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 20:53:28 EDT

After Conny's post I took a chance that Palm Warblers will have arrived at 
Lake Elmo Park (Washington Co.) and I finally found one.  It was on the east 
side of Eagle Point Lake, a little north of where Trail A tees.  Palm Warblers in 
past years have favored the west side of the lake, north of the ski shelter 
with the 2 picnic tables.  That stretch has grassland on the west side and oak 
between the path and the lake.  What I did find in that spot for a second day 
was a Savannah Sparrow.

The Yellow-rumped Warblers were thicker than honey today.  The nice thing was 
that many of them were low or on the ground.

Other sightings:
Brown Creeper
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Purple Martin
Cooper's Hawk
Savannah Sparrow
Palm Warbler

Lake Elmo Park is north of Hwy 94, at the Cty. 19 exit.  Take Cty 19 north to 
the park.  The 1st parking lot you come to is were I park.

Linda Sparling
Hennepin County