[mou] south Minneapolis birds

Robert Bergad rbergad@mn.rr.com
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 08:05:05 -0500

Lake Hiawatha is no birders' Mecca; however there is brush, tall trees, 
grass, sandy beaches, marshy areas, and a Minnehaha Creek delta with 
sandbars -- nice habitat for the inner city.  Last evening's visitors 
included 5 black-crowned night herons in one tree(!!) where the creek 
passes under 28th Ave south.  This morning's visitors include 3  great 
white egrets, 2 great blue herons, a group of courting blue-wing teals 
accompanied by a coot, several pied-billed grebes, two greater 
yellowlegs, cormorant, wood ducks, and a rear-end bobbing sandpiper (I 
don't know this group of birds and I do not own a spotting scope.)

Earlier spring migrants included ruddy ducks, buffleheads,  mergansers 
(common, red-breasted, hooded), loons, ring-necked ducks, northern 
shovelers, red-necked grebe, lesser scaups, and more.

A walk around the lake takes one through Hiawatha Golf Course where 
golfers leave numerous unretrieved hard round eggs along the water's 

City living is really great!

Bob Bergad