[mou] Lies, damned lies and field guides

marimbafan marimbafan@yahoo.com
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 20:33:28 -0700 (PDT)

Just as the rain started coming onshore from Lake
Superior early this evening, spotted a pair of
cardinals (male and female) in the trees alongside our
driveway (near Lester River in Duluth).   An unusual
sighting?  The Kaufman guide places cardinals in
Duluth in the "all seasons (rare)" category. 
According to Golden's Birds of North America, Duluth
is north of the cardinal's usual range altogether.  So
to go for the tie-breaker, Tekiela's Birds of
Minnesota (which I bought in Montana) shows that
cardinals are present year-round in St. Louis County,
but only along the St. Louis River right at that
border with Carlton County.  Hmmm.... The tiebreaker
wasn't much help, was it?

So, is this indeed a rare sighting for this area, and
more importantly, which field guides do listserve
members like to use?

Tim Stratton
Damp Duluth

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