[mou] Westskyline Hawk Count-4/28 update

Bjboreal@aol.com Bjboreal@aol.com
Wed, 28 Apr 2004 23:29:13 EDT

Westskyline Hawkwatch, Duluth, MN.

The hawk flight this week has been up and down in terms of movement, mainly=20
do to the weather and we still appear early for the big push of adult=20
Broad-wings which should happen within the next week, weather providing. Fli=
ghts of=20
note this week include: 407, 1402, 1046 on 4/22, 24 and 28th.

Notable counts/sightings this week include the following: 82 Turkey Vulture=20

on the 24th, with numbers dropping fast, as well as 2 Gloden Eagle and 1019=20
Broad-wings. 26 Rough-leg on the 22nd. 48 Ospreys on the 28 along with 385=20
Sharp-shins and both record daily flights of 40 Kestrel and 7 Merlin.


Non-raptors sighting includes: 10 Bohemian Waxwings on the 23th. =20

Sandhill Cranes, White Pelican and Common Loons are being seen most day now,=

including a good flight of 97 White Pelican on the 22th. Double=20

crested Cormorant numbers have been building with a good count of 1000+ on=20
the 28th along with a good push of 56 Common Loons. 5 Bonaparte's Gulls were=
seen on the 27Ave west mud flats on the 23rd.

The Westskyline Hawk Count is being partly funded by Minnesota=20
Ornithologists' Union and Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve/Duluth Audubon Society

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in the hawkwatch and=20

need any information. For daily summary see =E2=80=9CHAWKCOUNT.ORG=E2=80=9D=20=
and look up the=20

Westskyline Hawk Count.


February 23-April 28 YTD Total


 Turkey Vulture-1428




 Bald Eagle-3353


 Northern Harrier-61


 Sharp-shinned Hawk-1675


 Cooper's Hawk-24


 Northern Goshawk-19


 Red-shouldered Hawk-4


 Broad-winged Hawk-2444


 Red-tailed Hawk-6773


 Swainson's Hawk-2  =20


 Rough-legged Hawk-359


 Golden Eagle-125


 Am. Kestrel-91








 Submitted by:

 Frank Nicoletti and Dave Carman

 Duluth, Minnesota

 Hawk Watch Site: West Skyline Hawk Count

 Location: West Skyline Parkway, Duluth, Minnesota 55804

 GPS: Lat. N 46=E2=88=9E50'48.0" and Long. W 92=E2=88=9E01'53.5"

 Coverage: Late Feb - Late May


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