[mou] Lake Byllesby report 29 april AM

Per Johansson perjoh@mail1.slu.se
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 20:10:44 +0200

This morning 8-9.30 AM (29 april) me and Joachim Strengbom birded the
mudflats at west side of Lake Byllesby:

c 20 Semipalmated plovers
6 Hudsonian godwits
100+ L. yellowlegs
c 20 G. Yellowlegs
c 50 Pectoral sandpipers
1 Willet
1 Solitary sandpiper
1 Common sandpiper
c. 30 Least sandpipers
1 Semipalmated sandpiper
3 Bairdīs sandpipers
2 White-rumped sandpipers
3 Dunlins
3 Sanderlings
1 American pipit
1 Yellow warbler
1 Loggerhead shrike

Per Johansson & Joachim Strengbom

Per Johansson
Dept. of Conservation Biology
Box 7002, SLU
SE-750 07 Uppsala
tel. no. +18 67 20 49