[mou] black-and-white, Lincoln's Sp/St. Cloud

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 15:32:53 -0500

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This morning I saw a Lincoln's sparrow at Beaver Islands Trail.

There were at least a half dozen Black-and-White warblers next to Beaver =
at Plum Creek Park. It was fun to hear them and then look up into the =
trees and pick them out--through their behavior--from the many yellow =
rumps. As I was doing this at one point, a pair of cavorting bald eagles =
came flying and shrieking right over the tops of the leafless trees.

Tim Houghton

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<TITLE>black-and-white, Lincoln's Sp/St. Cloud</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>This morning I saw a Lincoln's sparrow at Beaver =
Islands Trail.<BR>
There were at least a half dozen Black-and-White warblers next to Beaver =
at Plum Creek Park. It was fun to hear them and then look up into the =
trees and pick them out--through their behavior--from the many yellow =
rumps. As I was doing this at one point, a pair of cavorting bald eagles =
came flying and shrieking right over the tops of the leafless trees.<BR>
Tim Houghton</FONT>
