[mou] more Lincoln sparrows/St. Cloud

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 19:39:29 -0500

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What a day for Lincoln sparrows in the St. Cloud area. I think I'm safe =
in saying that mnay of us don't get a lot of good looks at this =
sparrow--but I believe that many of these birds are going through this =
area right now. It was funny--I was on the phone just minutes ago with =
Bob Rodgers. I was telling him about the Lincoln's I'd seen at Beaver =
Islands Trail and he then told me that he was looking at a Lincoln's at =
that very moment in his back yard--then I looked and saw two in my front =
yard. So keep your eyes open!

Tim Houghton

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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>What a day for Lincoln sparrows in the St. Cloud area. =
I think I'm safe in saying that mnay of us don't get a lot of good looks =
at this sparrow--but I believe that many of these birds are going =
through this area right now. It was funny--I was on the phone just =
minutes ago with Bob Rodgers. I was telling him about the Lincoln's I'd =
seen at Beaver Islands Trail and he then told me that he was looking at =
a Lincoln's at that very moment in his back yard--then I looked and saw =
two in my front yard. So keep your eyes open!<BR>
Tim Houghton</FONT>
