[mou] Lewiston Rocks!!

Chad Aakre chadaakre@hotmail.com
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 20:39:18 -0500

John Hockema, Carol Schumacher, and myself had the look of deer in the 
headlights as we stared at the multitudes of shorebirds tonight at Lewiston 
Sewage Ponds, Winona County.

Heres the data in order of abundance:

Pectoral Sandpipers - 1000 plus of minus 200
Lesser Yellowlegs - 800 +-100
Greater Yellowlegs - 100 +-25
Dunlin - 60 +-25
Semipalmated Plover - 30 +-10
Least Sandpiper - 30 +- 20
Bairds Sandpiper - 15
Wilsons Phalerope - 10 (Most in beautiful breeding plumage, spinning like 
Killdeer - 10
Short - billed Dowitcher - 8
Spotted Sandpiper - 4
American Golden Plover - 2
Hudsonian Godwit - 1
Semipalmated Sandpiper - 1 (we only IDed one but there were probably more)


Western Meadowlark
Savannah Sparrow
Cliff Swallow
Snow Goose - One individual
Bank Swallow
Chimney Swift
Northern Shovler
Hooded Merganser
Blue Winged Teal
Green Winged Teal
Scaup sp.

Utica Sewage Ponds:

Willet - one individual ( thanks Carol!)
Wilsons Snipe
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Spotted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper

I was at Lewiston from about 4:30 to 8.   We had a really good time studying 
Dowitchers, peeps, and just plain taking the abundance in.  It was truely a 
special thing to see and be a part of.   We agreed that we have never seen 
numbers like that at Lewiston before.   Truely awesome!!

Chad Aakre
Winona County

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