[mou] MOU Volunteers

Elijah Parker mail@elijahtech.com
Tue, 3 Aug 2004 22:19:05 -0500

So how do I register for this?



On Tuesday August 3 2004 9:28 pm, Dennis/Barbara Martin wrote:
> I am writing this to encourage MOU members to volunteer at the
> State Fair Booth.
> I noticed that Bob Dunlap has put out a second email asking for volunteers
> and the amount of slots filled does not seem to be much more than was shown
> in his first email.
> Volunteering at the State Fair Booth only requires 4 hours of your
> time.  Your entry to the fair and parking are free.  I promise you
> that you will receive much more in return, from the people you
> speak with, than you will give.  You will meet people who have
> different levels of interest in birds and birding.  You will meet
> people who will be glad that there is someone there to answer
> a question that has been bothering them for some time.  You will
> have fun and you will be able to do something for the MOU.
> I hope that all of you will consider volunteering your time and that
> Bob is overrun with volunteers.  In case you are wondering, yes
> we volunteer for this event each year and we always have a
> good time.
> Dennis and Barbara Martin
> dbmartin@skypoint.com
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