[mou] Virus posts

Nancy Nielson Nancy Nielson" <nnielson@lakes.com
Tue, 10 Aug 2004 10:39:47 -0500

Hello all,
You do realize that often it may have a name of the "offending" account, but
it may be a phony.
I have seen email that contains my name and email address and it has not
come from me!
Perhaps this "offender" wasn't the real culprit, someone simply hijacked
their name, happens all the time these days.
As a rule of thumb the most important thing you can do is get an anti-viral
software and keep it up to date. You can set Norton to get updates
Have it scan your incoming and outgoing mail.
If you are using Microsoft products, make sure you are getting the updates
from Microsoft. They come frequently, and there is a big one coming in the
next couple of weeks.

Another trick a computer expert told me about, is to put your first entry in
your address book, something like 000Virus Alert! It doesn't have an actual
address so will hang up and alert you to a virus trying to send emails to
people in your address book.

If you have anti-viral software and keep it up to date, and also those
Microsoft updates,if you use Microsoft products, you should be protected.
Any attachments,or emails will be scanned for viruses, Norton catches emails
that don't even have an attachment, but have a virus in them.
I get a high volume of email for several businesses we have.
Some days I get 10-20 emails containing a virus, and often they will contain
the names of people I communicate with, but they are not from them. I have
checked into it and there is no way to trace them if their tracks are
The scoundrels are getting trickier and trickier, its a daily ritual to make
sure I have all the latest updates from Norton and Microsoft.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terence Brashear" <birdnird@yahoo.com>
To: <MOU-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 1:40 PM
Subject: [mou] Virus posts

> Hello
> The offending account that was sending out the
> attachment with the virus has been removed from the
> list.
> I did this as soon as I realized who the originating
> email address was.
> As a rule of thumb always scan any attachments before
> opening them regardless of whether or not you know the
> person sending them.
> Terry Brashear
> MOU-NET Co-Moderator
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