[mou] Hybrid geese in MN?

JPMCOCON@aol.com JPMCOCON@aol.com
Wed, 11 Aug 2004 16:32:38 EDT

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Last Friday, the 6th of August, I was at the St. Anthony Lock and Dam (#1) on 
the Mississippi River.  In the spillway feeding into the river, we saw a 
group of about 8 Canada Geese, one of which caught my eye.  It had orange legs, a 
grey chest and brown body (large, the same size as all the rest of the Canada 
Geese), a very dark neck and a totally white face with a dark eye.  It had 
some mottled black/brown/white on top of its head and along the sides of it's 
'cheeks' where the dark neck changed to the white face.

I didn't think too much about it at the time, just chalked it it up to an 
oddly colored Canada, but this month's Alaska Magazine has a photo in it 
(September, '04, page 69) of what is thought to be a hybrid Snow x Canada Goose, and 
it is exactly like the one we saw last Friday.

If anyone has seen or seeks out this bird, please let me know what you think.
Julie O.

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<DIV>Last Friday, the 6th of August, I was at the St. Anthony Lock and Dam (=
#1) on the Mississippi River.&nbsp; In the spillway feeding into the river,=20=
we saw a group of about 8 Canada Geese, one of which caught my eye.&nbsp; It=
 had orange legs, a grey chest and brown body (large, the same size as all t=
he rest of the Canada Geese), a very dark neck and a totally white face with=
 a dark eye.&nbsp; It had some mottled black/brown/white on top of its head=20=
and along the sides of it's 'cheeks' where the dark neck changed to the whit=
e face.</DIV>
<DIV>I didn't think too much about it at the time, just chalked it it up to=20=
an oddly colored Canada, but this month's Alaska Magazine&nbsp;has a photo i=
n it (September, '04, page 69) of what is thought to be a hybrid Snow x Cana=
da Goose, and it is exactly like the one we saw last Friday.</DIV>
<DIV>If anyone has seen or seeks out this bird,&nbsp;please let me know what=
 you think.</DIV>
<DIV>Julie O.</DIV>
