[mou] Shorebird spot in Yellow Medicine Co./ New Germany

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Wed, 11 Aug 2004 21:54:03 EDT

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I visited Y M Co.today, 8/11, and found that most of the birds had moved  on. 
There were only a couple of 100 birds of only 7or 8 species of which  about 
90% were Pectorals. I was out at New Germany yesterday morning and there  were 
500-600 shore birds of 11 species. Birds of interest at New G were  
Whiterumped S., Wilson Phalarope, Golden Plover, Stilt S.,
Paul Egeland

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<DIV>I visited Y M Co.today, 8/11, and found that most of the birds had move=
on. There were only a couple of 100 birds of only 7or 8&nbsp;species of whic=
about 90% were Pectorals. I was out at New Germany yesterday morning and the=
were 500-600 shore birds of 11 species. Birds of interest at New G were=20
Whiterumped S., Wilson Phalarope, Golden Plover, Stilt S.,</DIV>
<DIV>Paul Egeland</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
