[mou] rice paddies-Embarrass-St. Louis Co.

Audrey Evers aevers@arrowhead.lib.mn.us
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 16:42:56 -0500

I checked the Embarrass rice paddies in St. Louis Co on Sunday, Aug. 
15. There were small numbers of shore birds present probably due to 
the low levels of the water, and quite a bit of feeding area exposed. I 
had: L. Sandpipers-24-30, Semip. Sandpipers- a few, Pectoral 
Sandpipers-a dozen or so,  ONE Buff-breasted Sandpiper , Snipe, L. 
Yellowlegs, Killdeer-a few and ONE Semipalmated Plover. There were 
few ducks except for Blue-winged teal. A dozen or more Gr. Blue 
Herons. I hope to check it again tomorrow(Tuesday) morning.
Audrey L. Evers