[mou] Broad-wings at Lakewood Cemetery

sharonks@mn.rr.com sharonks@mn.rr.com
Tue, 17 Aug 2004 15:47:22 -0500

I took a walk through Lakewood Cemetery and at first I thought I some weird noise coming from my ipod when I realized that what I was hearing was a broad-winged hawk calling loud enough to penetrate the music. I found an adult and a juvenile with down still on it's head. I was able to get within 20 feet of the younger bird and watched it perch and try to hunt from some of the taller monoliths. I haven't walked Lakewood as much as I normally do this summer. I'm kicking myself that these birds may have nested this close to my home and I didn't know it.

Sharon Stiteler
Uptown, Minneapolis