[mou] Neotropic Cormorant et al.

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Sun, 22 Aug 2004 11:42:11 -0700 (PDT)

Hey birders!

Ben Inniger and I went out to Big Stone County in
search of the Neotropic Cormorant and anything else we
could find.

Our first stop was at the auto tour loop at Big Stone
NWR where there was a nice selection of shorebirds,
but not great numbers.  The neatest thing seen along
the route was both Sora and Virginia Rail on mudflats
with shorebirds (near to the cattails of course)

Our second stop was along Hwy 75 on the eastern side
of the refuge.  After checking out several cormorants,
we found a large aggregation sitting in the
northernmost pool.  Tucked in with the crowd was one
cormorant singificantly smaller than the rest!  This
Neotropic Cormorant was more than cooperative as it
preened, flew a short distance, fed, and fanned its
wings while in the presence of another Double-crested
Cormorant.  Great bird!  Last year I attempted to find
the Neotropics in 98-degree heat; this was a nice

We also checked out some of the potholes to the north
of the refuge with great looks at good numbers of
shorebirds.  Species include: Least, Semipalmated,
Pectoral, Baird's, Stilt, Solitary, both yellowlegs,
Killdeer, Wilson's Phalarope, and Wilson's Snipe. 
There were also good numbers of Franklin's Gulls at
several of the larger potholes (some potholes had over
500 shorebirds!!!)

We also had a Greater Prairie-Chicken on the road in
eastern Big Stone County.

Happy birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN

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